Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fleece and Plumage

Fleece and Plumage by NonaArt
Fleece and Plumage, a drawing by NonaArt on Flickr.

Fleece and Plumage
graphite on cream colored drawing paper 7" x 10"
May 2011

This drawing is about coverings, guise, superficiality, veneer and misrepresentation.  Ha ha, just kidding! It's just some visual ramblings with bird motifs popping up again and a deformed sheep!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Not not not not not going

Not not not not not going by Nona's Art
Not not not not not going, a drawing by Nona's Art on Flickr.
Not not not not not going
graphite on cream colored drawing paper 7" x 10"
May 2011

This drawing addresses issues of indecisiveness, internal contradiction and persuasive factors.  A scatteredness (also overflow) of being is felt through the interaction between and incongruity of "shadowy shapes" and circumscribing lines.

All do All want

untitled by Nona's Art
untitled, a drawing by Nona's Art on Flickr.
All do All want
graphite on cream colored drawing paper 7"x10"
April 2011

This drawing explores perceptions of self as well as attraction/repulsion, desire/fear, and self worth/self deprecation.  There is only one character in this composition but multiple elements of personality are present.

A Disarming Failure

A Disarming Failure by Nona's Art
A Disarming Failure, a drawing by Nona's Art on Flickr.
A Disarming Failure
graphite on cream colored drawing paper 7"x10"
April 2011

This drawing is about control/lack of control, responsibility/barriers to fulfilling responsibilities, power structures and maternal instinct and obligations.  The title can be interpreted as either a failure to disarm (as in a volatile situation) or a failure so egregious that it is incapacitating.